Alberta Health Services Emergency Medical Services Medical Control ProtocolsThe Alberta Health Services Emergency Medical Services Medical Control Pro
Alberta Health Services Emergency Medical Services Medical Control Protocols
The Alberta Health Services Emergency Medical Services Medical Control Protocols app for Android devices provides emergency medical providers access to easy-to-use Alberta Health Services Protocols (Medical Control Protocols and Critical Care Medical Control Protocols) specifically designed for use in the pre-hospital environment.
This app includes adult and pediatric algorithms as well as necessary reference material and pharmacology information, and contains more than 180 protocols and 75 medications including infusion charts, resource information, and provincial contacts.
The information contained in the AHS EMS Medical Control Protocols App is intended for use by emergency medical practitioners governed by Alberta Health Services or STARS.
The main features include:
(*) Quick navigation to critical information
(*) Search capability
(*) Portrait and landscape viewing
(*) No subscription required
(*) Easy to update to the most current version of the AHS EMS Medical Control Protocols
(*) Ability to enter your own Notes on a Protocol
(*) Favorites
(*) Offline access.
Disclaimer and Copyright:
The Alberta Health Services (AHS) Emergency Medical Services (EMS) is committed to providing high quality and safe patient care. To this end, AHS EMS has developed this set of Medical Control Protocols (MCPs). The MCPs contain evidence-based and expert-informed care and treatment information that is specifically intended for the use of practitioners working for AHS EMS and contracted service providers in Alberta and the physicians who provide medical oversight for these practitioners. EMS reserves the right at its own discretion to make changes, including the correction of errors and complete revisions to the MCPs.
At the same time, the information is presented “as is” and its use by external organizations or individuals is solely at their own risk. AHS EMS, its employees and physicians accepts no responsibility for any modification or redistribution or use of the MCPs and is not liable for any actions taken by individuals based on the information provided, or for any inaccuracies, errors or omissions in these MCPs.
© 2013 Alberta Health Services. All rights reserved in relation to these MCPs. Without limiting the reservation of copyright, no person shall reproduce, store in a retrieval system or transmit in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise) part or the whole of these MCPs without the prior written permission of Alberta Health Services.
• Minor Bug Fixes
• Correct handling of back button.
• Various minor bug fixes.
• Fixed issue that would cause app not to load correctly. (White Screen)
• Ability to enter your own Notes on a Protocol
• Favorites
• Layout/Navigation Updates